Family vs. Corporate Owned Funeral Homes

Some of the benefits of using a family owned and operated funeral home:

Because this is our family business we take personal pride in all that we do for you. Corporate owned funeral homes are answerable to a board of directors who in many cases are located outside of Sault Ste. Marie and they in turn are answerable to investors or shareholders whose primary objective is to make a good return on their invested dollars.

We spend a lot of time working with our staff talking about issues of integrity, trust and other important values. Our attention is devoted to making our funeral home the best in Sault Ste. Marie. Not the biggest, but the best, providing excellent service to satisfy your needs. Because we are family owned we think it makes us more flexible, more responsive to your needs because you are our neighbor.

Our primary focus is you not profits. Like any business we need to make a profit in order to exist. Our staff does not focus on meeting quotas in order to get bonuses. We don't have pressure from corporate headquarters to increase our profits. We are answerable to only our families and their needs.

The decisions we make are local and responsive to our community. Not to a corporate office or out of town shareholders.

The profits from the O’Sullivan Funeral Home stay in Sault Ste. Marie and are returned into our community to allow us to continue to grow and improve our facilities, services and products. When we need work to be done in association with our business we support only local businesses by hiring them to work with us. We also support many local charities and organizations.

When the funeral is over and everyone has gone home, we are still here for you. Our staff are committed to assist you. We connect with every family we serve after the funeral to help with the completion of various documents and a plan of action addressing various things that must be looked after.

When all is said and done, we truly believe that O’Sullivan Funeral Home a family owned and operated funeral home has more to offer than our competitors.

Our Family Caring for Yours